Sciensational Ssssnakes
Another collaboration with the Hastings Highlands Library with sponsors Lake St. Peter Property Owners Association (LSPPOA) and Bancroft Area Stewardship Council (BASC).
The show is appropriate for all ages and all of the animals are perfectly safe and sanitary. I will be delivering the talk on behalf of Jenny Pearce's company Sciensational Sssnakes!!. Here is her website if you want to check it out: https://www.scisnake.com/ Learn all about reptiles in an educational presentation with a focus on native Ontario species! Following the presentation there will be an opportunity to touch and hold some of the animals."

Think Turtle - Snakes: Fascinating And Essential by Kelly Wallace
Kelly has brought so much awareness to Turtles in our area and around the province, but lets care about snakes too.
Nature Discovery Backpacks
Visit the Hastings Highlands Library and sign out a Nature Discovery Backpack and get a Provincial Park pass too for a fun day of exploring. Become active in citizen science and enjoy learning about the surrounding environment with tools, water test kits, binoculars and a workbook for you to keep.
A 2023 Project collaboration with Hastings Highlands Library, Watersheds Canada and Lake St. Peter Property Owners.

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