(Ooops! looks like an old post went out this morning by mistake - here's the right one!)

Let's kick off spring with a fun giveaway to support our shoreline and our birds too.
Lake St.Peter and Boulter Lake property owners are invited to enter for your chance to win a kit of native shrubs with a Shoreline Bundle, from the Bancroft Area Stewardship Council.

This prize includes 30 stems of bird-friendly native species: 10-Pussy Willow, 10-High Bush Cranberry, 10-Red Osier. Plus fresh soil delivery to your door and a helpful planting guide. (Total Value $100.)
We are grateful for every member and neighbour supporting our beautiful lakeland community. Let's continue working together to preserve it for our grandchildren, and generations to come.
"I’ve found membership in the Lake St Peter Property Owners’ Association very beneficial in terms of communications including meeting fellow property owners and the educational aspect. The Secretary has been especially key in letting members know by e-mail when there are local conditions that may need our attention: high lake levels and floating dock pieces, heavy snow loads on roofs etc. Also, the educational aspect is excellent. I have learned so much about lake stewardship and am very appreciative of all the work done by the Association volunteers to maintain a healthy lake – testing, monitoring, and providing information about the environmental impacts that each of us can have on a day-to-day basis." - Ruth Church, Lake St Peter
"I appreciate that being a member of the LSPPOA gives me access to educational FOCA webinars on topics like “Preserving a Natural Shoreline” and helps me keep informed of concerns and events in the broader Hastings Highlands community."
- Sally Cole, Boulter Lake
Renew your membership today! Become a member
FOCA Achievement Awards honourable mention awarded to
Lake St. Peter Property Owners Association
March 15, 2022, BY MICHAEL RILEY, Local Journalism Initiative Reporter
In their latest email newsletter on March 3, the Federation of Ontario Cottagers’ Associations announced the winner and honourable mentions awards for its 2021 FOCA Achievement Award. One of this year’s honourable mentions awards was given to the Lake St. Peter Property Owners’ Association, who were given credit for increasing membership, circulating stewardship materials and environmental initiatives during COVID-19.

The FOCA Achievement Award celebrates successes of the FOCA waterfront community and encourages peer sharing of best practices. It is presented to a FOCA member association every year. FOCA is a not-for-profit membership organization that has provided a voice for waterfront property owners for nearly 60 years. They represent 250,000 waterfront property owners and over 500 community groups across Ontario. They provide support through education, communications and government advocacy, and their vision is to have thriving and sustainable waterfronts across the province, now and in the future. Visit Bancroft this Week for the full article.
With only about a month to go, we encourage everyone to place an order for their tree and shrub seedlings and butterfly gardens through the online store at https://www.bancroftstewardship.ca There are still some Algonquin Bundles and Shoreline Bundles left, plus a couple of Healthy Planet Bundles. Thinking about some adding some trees or shrubs to your property this spring? They still have red pine, white birch, sillver maple and high bush cranberrry and a few other species in stock so order now to avoid missing the season. Pick up will be in early May in Bancroft.